Sid Vale & Eastern Devon Talking Newspaper

Category: Adult & Young Persons Mental Health, Aging Well, Carers Support Groups, Learning difficulties & autism, Loneliness

Volunteers provide a weekly round-up of local news stories in audio format, for people with visual impairments

A talking newspaper service for people in the Sidmouth area with visual impairments has been described as a ‘lifeline’ by one of its listeners.

The Sid Vale and East Devon Talking Newspaper is a weekly recording of local news stories and features from the newspapers in the area, including the Sidmouth and Ottery Herald.

The service also produces a quarterly magazine. The new committee carried out a survey of listeners and found that, while some would have liked additional features such as sports coverage, the talking newspaper is very popular. “The feedback has been totally positive,” said Mr Thomas. “People look forward to it. People are happy with the items that we choose, and the talking magazine is particularly highly thought of.”
